Buenos dias los Estados Unidos! Currently, it is approximately 11:30 am, and I just got out of my first class of the day. I have about a two hour break until the next one. Los profesores seem so great, however, they don't speak a lick of English, which makes it impossible to ask what certain words mean.
Yesterday we finally arrived in Cadiz. I really loved Madrid, pero esta ciudad es magica. Los edificios y arquitectura son muy antiguas--the streets are super skinny (with a lot of mopeds!) y mi casa is on the 3rd floor of a building along one of such streets. As I was walking out of mi casa esta manana, I couldn't believe that I am getting to live there! Me encanta mucho. I have taken lots of pictures and will post some as soon as I get a chance. In the mean time, look up "La Plaza de San Antonio" porque mi casa is along one of these streets. Magical, right?
Mis padres son muy amables pero ellos tienen un accento muy diferente than what I am used to. I accidentally spoke English en frente de mi madre yesterday and was very quickly, but thoroughly, reprimanded for doing so--it is very rude to speak English in front of people who do not know it, apparently. Needless to say, this is the first time I've "spoken" English in a good while.
Eso es todo for now, pero escribire again tomorrow.
Con todo mi amor.
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