martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Is there anything to talk about other than food?

My dinner last night was three meatballs. Surprise, surprise: I didn't eat them. When mi madre asked what the problem was, I told her I wasn't very hungry and that was all. I excused myself from the table, went to my room, and started eating my Teddy Grahams. Five minutes later, she walks into my room. Busted. Dang it.

In other news, yesterday was our weekly futbol game. I have super mixed feelings about that sport. I somehow manage to hurt even the body parts that you are forbidden to use [Sidebar: Hey Sarah, what's up?]. I killed my wrist and can't move it in a full circular motion, but then again I did run into a wall so you tell me.

Next week is our final exam week. I seriously can't believe it. I have mixed feelings about leaving here too. I miss my home comforts, but I am going to be so sad to leave beautiful, beautiful Spain. If I don't find a way to come back someday, I won't die a very happy girl.

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